Top 3 Audiobook Recommendations

This year, I was working an office job, and would constantly listen to audiobooks. Because of them, I found my love of books again. Audiobooks 100% count as reading, and in some cases I like them better. I have a habit of skipping over lines in books, and they definitely help me focus on every single word. They also offer another way to consume them, and are especially helpful for people who are unable to read print books. Annddddd here are my favs, plus why I loved them!

  1. A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder Series- This was FANTASTIC as an audiobook. I listened to the first two, and read the print book for the third. If you’re unfamiliar with the series, it follows the main character, Pip as she investigates a murder as her final project for high school. Some “entries” in the book are done as interviews, and for these, there are multiple narrators. Great idea, and it was executed perfectly. Also shout out to the voice of Pip, Bailey Carr!
  2. Gone Girl- The first audiobook I listened to 🙂 Similar to AGGGTM, there’s more than one narrator, since the book is narrated by two characters. Again, great execution.
  3. The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue- Although this book only has one narrator, I loved her voice and thought she encapsulated the book and characters amazingly. Plus, this book is really good so you can’t go wrong! The narrator is Julia Whelan!
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