WWW #2

This is called WWW, and it stands for 3 questions which are:

  1. What are you currently reading?
  2. What have you just finished reading?
  3. What will you read next?

Here we go!

What are you currently reading?

I wanted to read the rest of the trilogy after loving the first book, so I’m on to the second!

What have you just finished reading?

I read a lot since last week, here’s the three books I read.

I just finished this book! And I liked it. The full review will be up on Friday!

I really liked this book! It was a super easy read, and had more depth to it than I thought it would. Overall, it was a good read. My full length review will be up after I finish the trilogy.

I had LOTS of thoughts about this book, but overall I enjoyed it. I found myself relating to it, which was both funny and comforting. A longer review will be up next week, as well as a podcast episode!

What will you read next?

To complete the trilogy, this is my next read!

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